What is Ubuntu Lumina?
Dying… kinda.
The project was initially started by Kai Lyons in order to build an Ubuntu remix that worked on all systems. As time went on with the project, Kai realized that being a remix would be a limitation to the systems she wanted to build.
Since June 3rd, 2020, we were looking into quitting the remix and building the system WE WANTED. While Kai does work on Rasaturai (sometimes), another distribution, we will continue this project under a new name and logo. Rasaturai is being built for fun and experimentation (not even to really properly distribute). We wanted to make Ubuntu Lumina as a lightweight distribution where we got to use a stable OS anywhere for any reason. We decided being a remix would hurt not only us but Fivnex (our corporation-in-planning). Being a remix would essentially give us a lock we might never escape from if we waited to unlock it. We are moving the code into a new name, new version scheme, and overall making a better project for users.
This is nothing against Canonical, they are a wonderful company who are willing to listen (I was even invited to a meeting with many of their employees to discuss an issue I had with Ubuntu).
Our team was minimal, and who we work with we can stick with. This decision is to give us a more open field to play in. I, Kai Lyons, will also be working on UbuntuCDE with Jaoheah. We love the community, but we find it in our best interests to no longer be a remix aiming for flavorhood. We wish our friends in Ubuntu Cinnamon, UbuntuDDE, UbuntuCDE, Ubuntu Unity / UbuntuEd, and any future editions luck in the wonderful land of remixes. It is just not where we belong.
- Kai Lyons <3