Ubuntu Lumina Remix has many awesome features with support for AMD64/x86_64 and soon to include support for Raspberry Pi, Pine64, and other awesome architectures.
You can find extra information in the README.
ISO for 64 bit 20.04 LTS
For amd64 and x86 machines, supported for up to 5 years!
Fully supported!
ISO for 64 bit 20.10
For amd64 and x86 machines, updates every 6 months.
Not currently supported
ARM for Pi 3/4 20.04 LTS
Built with ARM use on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 products.
Not currently supported
ARM for Pi 3/4 20.10
Built with ARM use on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 products.
Not currently Supported
ARM for Pine64 20.04 LTS
Built with ARM use on Pine64 desktop/laptop products.
Not currently supported
ARM for Pine64 20.10
Built with ARM use on Pine64 desktop/laptop products.
Not currently supported